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At Nuet we are always looking for new collaborations, partners, potential colleagues and investors.
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Aquavit Reinvented
Nuet was born in 2018 through a desire to show the world the full potential of the Scandinavian aquavit, a product that has been around since 1531, but is little-known outside the Scandinavian borders. The category had seen very little innovation over the past few hundred years, and our founder Morten Pharo Halle decided it was time someone changed just that.
With zero experience from the spirits industry, he gathered a team of open-minded and creative people and set out to create Nuet’s first product; the Nuet Dry Aquavit. After 8 months and more than 100 test-distillings the product was ready; the world’s first super-premium aquavit, as suited for cocktails as it was for sipping neat.